‘Tis that time of the year…

'Tis that time of the year, the season of joy and cheer, when the hopes are high, and the reindeer’s fly, with dreams in hand, from the promised land. 'Tis that time of the year, bundled under a Christmas tree, decorated with loads of glee. when the stars shine, when the candy canes are aligned,... Continue Reading →

The Herd Mentality

Its called the Herd Mentality. And it’s passed down from generations to generations. It’s the norm of the world and no one dare question it. For the one who does, is often ostracized or sometimes far worse, has died. Society runs on these rules and rules are never meant to be broken. A child since... Continue Reading →

A Vain Reality

Her endearing reticence, often mistaken for coyness, attracted a flock of admirers, like bees over flowers. Her transit through the streets, awakened longing hearts, hard to decipher, if it was love or lust in part. She braved through those gawking eyes, fixated upon her like predators on prey. who knew what their minds were thinking,... Continue Reading →

The Grand Entrance

The sun pierced through her skin that morning, its rays poking a hole in her being. The warmth touching her slowly, lifting her spirits which were lowly. It pushed out all the anguish, awakening her to a new possibility. She looked out the window, the sun brimming with promises, greeting it's friends in harmony. It... Continue Reading →


She came into our lives on a sunny July afternoon. Anticipation, anxiety, excitement all bubbled up together inside. Days of wait was over and here she was, given to us. Small, timid, fragile were words that resonated of her. I was scared, so was she. A new home, new people, new surrounding. It was all... Continue Reading →

The Magical Moon

Fleeting winds carried the clouds away, revealing a glorious full moon. Sky mimicked a vast canvas in black, rendered whole by this speckled beauty. Its twinkling friends accompanying her, spread far beyond the sky. Lending its light to the wandering souls beneath, guiding them to their destinies. I stood there a few moments, entranced by... Continue Reading →

Flower of Joy

In the present times, with the advent of social media and various other platforms. Its become easy for users to sit behind their smart devices and spew hate. World has become bitter and finding love in this scenario is vital. This poem sheds light on how to stop hate around and spread love instead. Click to read.

Play Of Anxiety

Beads of sweat covered her face like a brides veil, heavy breaths gushed out her nose, like a whirlwind on a dry summer day. She woke up, drenched in a pool of sweat. Gasping, she jumped out of bed, running straight to the window for light, the moon above shining abright, on this calm winter... Continue Reading →

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