A childhood of Lohri and Pongal thereafter.

Reminiscing the childhood days when I took part in Lohri celebrations in the north, and later learning how similar yet different the celebrations are in the south. My earliest memories of Lohri(harvest festival in the north of India) include going around houses with a bunch of friends seeking sweets made out of sesame seeds, peanuts,... Continue Reading →

No Resolutions for me this new year, Instead I am setting Goals.

Read on to know why? Each year like the majority of us, I jump on the bandwagon of penning down my new year resolutions with a vigour I have witnessed only in my pet when she spots her food. "while the rest of the world is making recap reels and celebrating the year that was,... Continue Reading →

Pet Parenting #101

Lessons learned from a year of parenting. For someone who had no prior experience, I jumped head first into this and it was scary as hell. She was here in an eye blink and I had no clue what to do. No amount of pet care videos prepares you for things that can happen. But... Continue Reading →

6 Ways to Combat Dry Skin Problems.

How to Avoid Excessive Dry Skin? Winter is over but your dry skin problem isn’t? I feel your pain. Dry skin is a problem usually associated with winters due to the change in climatic conditions around us. The air around us is dry with less humidity which causes the upper layer of the skin to... Continue Reading →

Perils of travelling with company.

"Without giving it much thought,we moved ahead to our destination which is another 6 hours, our ETA now 12 midnight. Thinking too much stops you, promotes doubt, its better to act than think in such situations. The road was unfavourable for most part,"

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